A bit slow in updating this but over the last week we got all the final checks done and started the Dexta on Monday 15th March. I have uploaded a video to youtube (click link) and put it in the 'Videos' page.
We had a few issues, first up no fuel in to the injectors to begin with although in the video you can see some 'puffs' starting to rise from the exhaust. There was some unexpected smoke from the solenoid and a massive oil leak past the oil filter housing.
Within an hour we fixed all the issues; checked for fuel leaks, cleaned and put some Vaseline on the solenoid connections and sorted a better earth for it. The oil filter got a (another) new gasket and a bit of gasket compound. A bit more cranking and she roared back to life.
We spotted some other issues that needed addressing including a few water pipe leaks and dripping water taps. The constant annoyance of the leaking cold start fuel tap is still present although much reduced after some 'grinding in'. The radiator tap is still leaking badly though.
A start was made also on cleaning down the nose cone ready to start repairs.