Having removed the left-hand drop arm and link arm on Monday. Dad had tried in the previous days to strip the drop arm adjusting rod and link knuckle. Both are seized, so now was the time to get a hot torch. Yesterday was spent driving around getting some bits we need. A new Propane heating torch and a compressor driven paint sprayer from Machine Mart.
A visit to Cromwell tools to get some silver steel rod to replace the position control pin in the hydraulic top. We had already make a replacement but had used soft steel not realising it needed to be hardened.
After using the new propane torch to free the drop arm knuckle pin we took a trip to Agriline in Bromsgrove to get some paint and a couple of other bits and pieces. We also returned an incorrect ignition switch they sent us months ago. They were pretty busy putting away a delivery of 500 rear wheel rims!